Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Taylor Swift Gets Slapped With A Lawsuit You Won’t Believe

When Colorado based DJ David Mueller aka “Jackson” attended a Taylor Swift concert in 2013, he got to live out an item on my personal bucket list and met Tay in the flesh — backstage.
It was a very cool job perk, he even brought along his girlfriend Shannon Melcher (also a radio station employee) and the two of course took a picture with Taylor –how could you not?
And that’s when things turned icky. Taylor claims that while that picture was snapped, the DJ lifted “her skirt with his hands and grabbed her bottom.” Of course Taylor’s no nonsense security team booted him from the concert venue immediately.  then,  shortly after this went down, he got fired!

So here’s where things get dicey.
Mueller swears he did no such thing. In fact, the picture at the center of this controversy shows Taylor smiling and hugging Shannon (the girlfriend). Mueller is in the shot — hand behind Taylor so you can’t see exactly what he was doing — but according to court documents, it does not look like Taylor’s skirt is out of place. It’s the ultimate case of “he said, Taylor said” and all Mueller wants is the salary he lost when this drama caused him to lose his job.
Hard to say what the outcome will be in this one but if Taylor was that uncomfortable that her security kicked him out without hesitation — then something must have went down before or after the photo was taken, no?


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